Mini Dental Implants
Mini Dental Implants at Fort Worth Dental Implant Center
We place every type of implant at Fort Worth Dental. These implants come in a variety of different diameters and sizes which include what are commonly referred to as mini dental implants.
What Exactly Are Mini Dental Implants?
The FDA approved the medical use of mini dental implants in 1999. The use of mini dental implants are used as a less invasive solution to standard sized dental implants.
Mini implants typically have a diameter less than 3mm. They are usually made of one solid post and are also commonly referred to as Small Diameter Implants (SDI).
Regular dental implants usually range in size from approximately 3mm up to as wide as 9mm in diameter.

The Main Differences Between Standard Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants
Obviously mini dental implants are smaller in diameter than regular dental implants. However, size is not the only difference. When situations arise and a patient has only a small space or very little bone to work with, mini dental implants provide the solution. These size implants eliminate the need for bone grafting to increase a person’s jawbone mass.
How Do We Determine The Right Size Dental Implant For You?
Both types of implants, mini or regular, have different drawbacks to their use. The condition of your jawbone and mouth is a main factor in determining which solution is best.
Fort Worth Dental’s experienced implant dentists will evaluate your situation using the latest advancements in dental technology and determine which solution is right for you.

So How To Decide - Standard Dental Implant or Mini Dental Implant?
Medical experts claim that anyone who is healthy enough for regular tooth extractions should be eligible for standard dental implants. However, some people may have other issues such as chronic illness, radiation treatments to their head or even heavy smoking. In these situations, mini dental implants may be the best solution choice. Bone needs stimulation to maintain its strength and much like muscles, if not stimulated your bone structure will atrophy over time.